Candidate Spotlight: Leslie Cockburn

Hear directly from Congressional candidates on the biggest issues in preservation today!

Leslie Cockburn, an Emmy-award winning journalist, is running for Congress in a rural area surrounding Charlottesville, Virginia.

In Congress, Leslie plans to work on protecting Monacan Nation burial grounds along the James River.

To learn more about Leslie’s thoughts on historic preservation issues, read her answers to our candidate survey below:

  1. What is your name?

Leslie Cockburn

  1. In which Congressional district are you running for election?


  1. Is there a historically significant place that is important to you in your Congressional district?

There are hundreds of historically significant sites in my district from Monticello to Appomattox Court House to the Historic Union Hill Freedmen Community.

  1. What do you think of current proposals in Congress to require Congressional approval of the President’s decision to designate national monuments?

I would strongly consider legislation to preserve the President’s authority to designate national monuments.

  1. The National Historic Preservation Act requires federal agencies to consider the effects of federal undertakings on historic properties before approving a project. Federal undertakings include: projects that need a federal permit, receive federal funds, or are located on federal land. How do you think this law impacts our communities and development timelines?

I believe that it is important that these standards are met in order to ensure that the full effect of historic designation of a property on a community is concerned and that public input is still considered. With a system like this, it is also important that federal agencies have adequate funding to establish or maintain a digital database so that the process is more streamlined.

  1. Have you had the opportunity to meet with the State Historic Preservation Officer and/or State Archaeologist? Have you met with any local preservation groups?

Yes. Now that the Monacan Nation is a federally recognized tribe, I would like to help protect significant burial grounds along the James River.

  1. How do think that federal funding of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Science Foundation impacts our district?

These endowments are incredibly important in my district and throughout the country. I oppose any legislation that would make cuts to these funds.

 Note: Leslie’s opponent, Denver Riggleman, also received a survey. He chose not to respond.