Biden Proposes Budget for Historic Preservation

Yesterday, President Biden released his Fiscal Year 2023 budget proposal for the National Park Service (NPS), which includes a strong focus on telling diverse stories and increasing the accessibility of the national park system.

The president proposes a $48 million initiative to build a more equitable National Park System. The funds would enable the NPS to expand operations at parks that preserve and tell the story of historically underrepresented and marginalized groups, further integrate tribal viewpoints into park management, address transportation barriers to parks from underserved communities, and improve park accessibility for visitors and employees with disabilities.

The 2023 Interior budget includes $151.8 million for HPF programs, including:

  • $57.65 million for State Historic Preservation Offices
  • $23 million for THPOs (a $7 million increase over the FY 22 Omnibus Appropriations bill)
  • $10 million for HBCU’s
  • $10 million for historic revitalization grants
  • $10 million for Paul Bruhn grants for the restoration of properties of national, state, and local significance
  • $26.125 for Civil Rights movement competitive grants
  • $1 million for under-represented communities grants
  • $25 million for Save America’s Treasures.

Although Congress determines the funding levels for each federal agency, the president’s budget is an important statement about his vision and his priorities for the upcoming year. The Coalition looks forward to working in support of the president’s focus on preserving special places that tell the full American story.