Coalition Asks Congress to Invest in Preservation Programs

Today, the U.S. House Committee on Appropriations is meeting to decide how much money to allocate to key preservation programs. Committee members will consider the Trump Administration’s budget proposal, last year’s budget numbers, requests from Members of Congress, and testimony from advocacy organizations like the Coalition for American Heritage, as they work to finalize next year’s budget numbers.

In preparation for today, advocates from the Coalition visited Congressional offices this spring to ask Members to invest in key historic preservation programs. Those who couldn’t travel to D.C. helped out by making phone calls and sending emails to their legislators. These contacts — in person, on the phone, and in email — are critical to demonstrating the broad-based support for preservation programs across the country.

The Coalition for American Heritage submitted written testimony requesting a $110.5 million investment in the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) in fiscal year 2019, which begins on October 1st.

The Coalition’s request also includes:

  • $152.849 for the National Endowment for the Humanities,
  • $152.849 for the National Endowment for the Arts,
  • $459 million for National Park Service deferred maintenance,
  • $15 million for the Save America’s Treasures program,
  • $15 million for competitive grants to document, interpret and preserve sites associated with the Civil Rights Movement,
  • and additional investments in grants programs and cultural resources management.

In contrast, the Trump Administration asked the Committee to provide only $32.6 million for the HPF – a level of funding that would eliminate 5 grant programs and make it difficult for State and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers to conduct the reviews they must perform, according to the National Historic Preservation Act and the Federal Historic Tax Credit.

The Coalition urged Congress to reject funding cuts for preservation. Investing in preservation programs help stabilize neighborhoods, attract investment, create jobs, generate tax revenue, support small businesses, and promote America’s heritage tourism. Funding preservation is an investment in America’s past and in our future.

Earlier this year, Congress recognized the enormous value of preservation programs and allocated a historic high of $96.9 million to the HPF in fiscal year 2018. Our continued advocacy will help maintain strong Congressional support for these important programs.

After the Appropriations Committee passes its final version of the budget for the Department of the Interior, it will be considered by the U.S. House of Representatives.

You’re Invited to Learn How Candidate Surveys Build Support for Preservation

Join us on Tuesday, June 19th at 1:00 p.m. ET, for a 30-minute webinar on developing effective non-partisan candidate surveys.

Candidate surveys are essential tools for getting candidates’ views on the record and for preservation groups to learn how candidates, if elected or reelected, will work to preserve America’s historic treasures.

In the webinar, the Coalition for American Heritage will cover recommended approaches for surveys that best discern candidates’ stances and perspectives on preservation priorities. We will discuss relevant election laws, suggest topics to highlight, sample questions, and other key details, and best practices for posting candidate responses on-line to help inform voters.

The Coalition plans to send surveys to all candidates for Congress, and will offer tips in the webinar on how to tailor surveys to candidates running for city, county and state offices.

We hope you will join us for what promises to be an informative discussion of the most effective use of candidate surveys. Register today. Please share this invitation with friends and fellow preservationists.

Veto in Arizona Will Safeguard Historic Resources

The Coalition for American Heritage congratulates our Arizona friends who rallied against HB 2498, a bill that would’ve allowed volunteers with inadequate training to conduct archaeological investigations on Arizona state lands.

The Coalition for American Heritage sent a letter to the Arizona State Senate outlining our concerns with the bill. Advocates across the state made their voices heard through phone calls, emails and letters.

Our activism helped convince Governor Ducey to veto the bill yesterday and safeguard Arizona’s archaeological treasures. This victory demonstrates the importance of making our voices heard. Working together, we can ensure that America’s historic resources are protected and preserved.

The Coalition for American Heritage welcomes all who would like to join us in speaking out on behalf of historic preservation. For updates on the latest news in preservation advocacy, join the Coalition.

Senate Committee Holds Confirmation Hearing for ACHP Nominee

For the first time ever, the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held a confirmation hearing for the new Chair of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Aimee Jorjani, President Trump’s nominee, was questioned by several Senators about how she will uphold the National Historic Preservation Act. Click here for a summary of the hearing and questions posed to Ms. Jorjani.

Let’s Thank Our Senators Who Supported Increased Funds for Preservation

Twenty-nine U.S. Senators signed a letter supporting $110.5 million in funding for the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF)! Thanks to all of you who contacted your Senator to ask for his/her support.

If your Senator is one of the 29 preservation champions listed below, it’s time to say “thank you.” Please, take a moment to call your Senator and share how much historic preservation means to you. Dial 202-224-3121 and the switchboard operator at the U.S. Senate will connect you to the office you choose. If you prefer to e-mail your Senator, click on the links provided below.

Here’s a sample of what you can say: “Hi, my name is —–, and I live in —-. Please tell the Senator that I appreciate his/her support for increasing the funding for the Historic Preservation Fund to $110.5 million.” If you’d like to add a personal explanation of why historic preservation matters to you, please do.

List of Senators Who Signed onto the Letter Requesting $110.5 million for the HPF

Senator Doug Jones

Senator Dianne Feinstein
Senator Kamala Harris
Senator Michael Bennet
Senator Richard Blumenthal
Senator Chris Coons
Senator Tammy Duckworth
Senator Bill Cassidy
Senator Ben Cardin
Senator Chris Van Hollen
Senator Edward Markey
Senator Debbie Stabenow
Senator Gary Peters
Senator Amy Klobuchar
Senator Catherine Cortez Masto
New Mexico:
Senator Martin Heinrich
New York:
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Senator Sherrod Brown
Senator Ron Wyden
Senator Jeff Merkley
Senator Bob Casey, Jr.
Rhode Island:
Senator Jack Reed
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Senator Bernie Sanders
Senator Mark Warner
Senator Tim Kaine
Senator Maria Cantwell
West Virginia:
Senator Joe Manchin
Senator Tammy Baldwin

Coalition Seeks $15 Million for Save America’s Treasures Program

The Coalition for American Heritage urged the U.S. Senate to allocate $15 million in next year’s budget to the Save America’s Treasures program, which has already helped preserve iconic Americana like the Star Spangled Banner that flew above Fort McHenry during the War of 1812; Thomas Edison’s laboratory; the poems carved by Chinese immigrants in the walls of Angel Island; Mesa Verde’s cliff dwellings; and Martin Luther King’s Ebenezer Baptist Church. A copy of our letter is available here.

Thanks to the Coalition partner organizations who joined us in supporting this important program:

American Cultural Resources Association

Society for Historical Archaeology

Society for American Archaeology

American Anthropological Association

Archaeological Institute of America

Preservation Maryland

Illinois Archaeological Survey

Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology

Save Our Heritage Organisation

Heritage Ohio

Society for California Archaeology

April Update from Washington: Read the Latest News on Historic Preservation

Coalition members spent the day on Capitol Hill talking to Members of Congress and their staffs about the importance of preserving America’s historic resources. For details of their visits, and pictures of the day, read our April Update from Washington.

Coalition Urges Congress to Safeguard Historic Resources When Developing Infrastructure Bill

Together with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Coalition for American Heritage wrote a letter to key Congressional leaders outlining our concerns with the Trump Administration’s infrastructure plan and highlighting proactive solutions for protecting historic resources.

On Wednesday, advocates from across the country visited the office of 50 Members of Congress to deliver the letter and share our message. We will work with our elected officials to identify ways to responsibly streamline the permitting process and grow America’s infrastructure. We are confident that America can honor its long-standing commitment to preserve our nation’s heritage while investing in the infrastructure we need for the future.

To read the full text of our letter, click here.

Preservation Gets More Money in Omnibus Bill

Congress is racing against the clock to avert a government shutdown by voting on an omnibus spending bill to fund the government through the end of September. The bill includes increases in key programs to preserve historic resources; it represents a major triumph for the preservation community.

The massive compromise bill includes $96,910,000 for the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), which will be distributed as follows:

  • $48,925,000 grants to states – a $1 million increase
  • $11,485,000 grants to tribes – a $1 million increase
  • $13,000,000 for Save America’s Treasures – an $8 million increase
  • $13,000,000 for competitive grants to preserve sites from the Civil Rights Movement
  • $5,000,000 for grants Historically Black Colleges and Universities – a $1 million increase
  • $5,000,000 for competitive grants to revitalize historic properties of national, State, and local significance. Grants shall be made available to States, local governments, Tribes, or community non-profit organizations for making sub-grants to eligible projects. – This is a new source of funding, which was not part of last year’s budget.
  • $500,000 for competitive grants to survey and nominate places associated with under-represented communities to the National Register and as National Historic landmarks

In addition, the bill includes:

  • $10,000,000 for American Battlefield Protection Program grants
  • $23,000,000 for Centennial Challenge projects to help parks across the country improve visitor services and support outreach to new audiences.

Despite President Trump’s effort to eliminate the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the omnibus bill also includes an increase of $3 million for NEH.

The Coalition for American Heritage is very pleased to see Congress recognize the importance of preserving our nation’s historic treasures. We look forward to passage of this bill later in the week, and we pledge to continue advocating for funds to support these vital programs.

Update: Preservation Advocates Visit Capitol Hill, Competing Visions for American Infrastructure

For the latest news on National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week, upcoming changes to the NAGRPA Review Committee, and more, read our Update from Washington – March 2018.