Coalitions Warns U.S. Forest Service that Regulatory Changes Imperil Historic Resources

The Coalition for American Heritage weighed in with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) on the proposed changes to regulations governing Federal oil and gas resources on National Forest System lands. In a comment letter to the agency, the Coalition warned that the changes could:

  • reduce the level of environmental review of many proposed actions involving Forest Service land, 
  • decrease the opportunities for public input and scrutiny of the Forest Service’s decisions under the National Historic Preservation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act, and
  • imperil cultural resources located on Forest Service lands.

The Coalition also reminded the USFS that many Native American tribes have important ties to Forest Service lands. It is concerning, therefore, that the agency failed to conduct meaningful consultation with tribes in developing this proposed rule.

While the Proposed Rule seeks to reduce the backlog of expressions of interest and increase oil and gas leases, the Coalition believes that the solution is to improve the review process, not eliminate certain environmental requirements altogether. Coalition members often see environmental and cultural resources regulations blamed for delays, when in reality, staffing has been reduced or agency processes are otherwise insufficient for reviewing the number of oil and gas projects under their purview. 

For additional details, read the Coalition letter here