Coalition Asks Congress to Examine Impacts of BLM Move

Together with leading preservation organizations, the Coalition for American Heritage asks Congress to examine how moving Bureau of Land Management (BLM) headquarters may cause harm to cultural resource management efforts. In a letter to the U.S. House and Senate Appropriations committee leaders, the Coalition warns of the impact the BLM move is already having on the BLM Division of Cultural, Paleontological Resources and Tribal Consultation. Key leadership positions have been eliminated and many BLM staffers are leaving the agency rather than move.

The Coalition is concerned that these vacancies will leave insufficient staff to manage and protect the largest, most diverse, and most scientifically important body of cultural resources managed by any federal agency. As organizations devoted to historic preservation, we ask Congressional leaders to halt any action that would diminish the management of cultural resources under BLM’s care. To read a full copy of the letter, click here.